Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bacardi HIHO 2000

Trolling back through the memory bank and at random we come across the biggest HIHO event we ever ran: the 2000 Bacardi HIHO. Yes, memorable because of it's size- something like 90-racers. Also because of the parties, great wind, and so forth. Back then we had a bunch of Polish in the event. I guess the event defined freedom, or maybe they just loved the tour of the beautiful British Virgin Islands. Anyway, these guiys could party. One of may favorite anecdotes was some guy telling me they arranged that the Polish would come out to their boat for a late night drink. The host cannily hid the mixers so the Poles wouldn;t stay for long. The problem was, he said, they just drank everything straight, and stayed up all night partying on his yacht!

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