Sunday, December 28, 2008

Team HIHO Windsurfing

Lately I've enjoyed the watershed experience of being able to windsurf together with my boys. We started surfing together a year or so ago, and can sail & race boats together. Ripping around a bay though in 15-knots of wind, and heading out for inter-island crossings is new ground for us, and very welcome. Naturally, I love windsurfing, and I'm happy to report that Josh & Sam do too. I instilled the fundamentals when they were young and so the learning has been relatively easy going. Having good equipment also helps. Currently Josh is using a Neil Pryde Combat Wave 4.2 with an X9 mast and kids boom. Sam is on a Neil Pryde ONE 3.0. (the ONE is a well-designed kids concept rig). It's worth noting that for Josh I splashed out for an X9 mast. It's much more expensive, but lighter. We all three use BIC Techno 2 140 liter boards. I have moved the straps in for the boys.

A month or so ago the boys were using the BIC Jungle SUP boards. We'd keep the centerboard in and they would be flying all over the place. The transition to short boards was painless. Like I said, we're using BIC Techno 2's now. Actually, they should be on slightly smaller boards but we don't have any. Anyway, it's been great fun progressing so quickly to short boarding and ripping around together. I've been in love with windsurfing for years, but now being able to sail with my sons is like falling in love all over again.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caribbean Winter

I've always said there is nothing better than winter in the Caribbean. It's cooler (even chilly at night); breezy; there's surf; and our businesses are humming. Mostly, the everpresent humidity that defines much of the year is absent. Winter is surf season so we get our in the waves a lot. We're heavy into paddle boarding now. We enjoy both flat water and waves. Steep learning curve still, but lots of fun. We undertake a lot of inter-island travel this time of year checking out our shops in Antigua and St Barth. (Attached photo was snapped from a yacht close to the St Maarten airport as we were sailing home from St Barth last month). I'm just back from a flying visit to Antigua where I visited my friend Eli Fuller. He has a new 40ft Carriacou island sloop which I am dying to sail. These are the boats that used to ply the Caribbean. They are fast & seaworthy, if slightly wet. Eli, his girlfriend Mykl and another friend and I Roddy went out to dinner Sunday night where they regaled me with tales of snorkelling with sharls on Cades Reef, and the great weather thay had for the sail from Antigua to St Maarten. Speaking of sharks, the Highland Spring HIHO race is filling up. A potential entrant asked if we ever see sharks to which I had to thruthfully reply "no".